FAQ - AKVA plan
Can AKVA plan be used for both sea based and land based?
Yes, it is a tool that works for both land based and sea based.
Can AKVA plan fetch data from control?
Yes, plan can use the actual information in AKVA control as a base for the new forecast.
Can you creat several copies and test different settings?
In AKVA plan you can copy and update different scenarios, and test different outcomes, it only supports rolling forecast.
Is it possible to run different attributes for the fishgroups in one scenario?
Yes, it is possible to set different attributes such as growth models, temperature models and economical models for the fishgroups.
Is it possible to retrieve economical values from AKVA plan?
With AKVA finance and AKVA plan you are able to connect scenarios to
a financial setup, which results in automatic calculations of biological data such as: input cost, harvest cost, harvest income, insurance, vaccinecost etc.